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Theme Songs for Lottery Ticket Apps
A great revenue stream for song writers
As a long time buyer of losing lottery tickets, I feel it’s time for some customer feedback to the lottery commission that will improve the client experience. They say everyone has to step up their game when times are tough. Somehow the gambling industry skates by on its cheesy, hokey, and gimmicky past. This state of affairs is no longer tolerable or sustainable. If I’m going to lose money, I demand to be entertained in the process.
I live in a jurisdiction where our lottery commission has an app for ticket scanning and more. From the comfort of the chair that hosts your ever widening ass, you can learn that you are a loser again this week! When you win even the smallest prize, the app plays a theme song that is as appealing as a circa 1970s clock radio alarm buzzer. This turns ticket verification into a wincing, cringing experience even when you win. We can do better.
The app as currently configured tells you in silent shame, “Better Luck Next Time”, when you lose. Gee thanks. Maybe I’ll get a Capital L tattooed on my forehead while I’m at it. Do you not think we could at least add some musical entertainment to the experience? There are enough songs written about getting lucky in love and money to make this a lot more fun than it is now.